Power BI allows you to add backgrounds in the form of color or images to each page. This is great to create a cover page, header or a background design. In this article, I will go over the steps needed to do so.
First, we need to create an image. There are two great options to do so that I recommend, Power Point and Canva. Power Point actually uses the same pixels as a Power BI report. So you can create the design you want in Power Point, save it as an image and use it in Power BI.

The other option is Canva where you want to create a custom size and choose 1280x740 pixels. Canva is a great free tool to utilize to create stunning designs.
Once, we have our image created. We can open up Power BI Desktop and add the image as a background.

Go into the format tab and choose "Page Background". Click "add image" and choose the image you created. Please note that opacity is set to 100%, so you will need to adjust that to a % of your liking. Also, if you want to print the report as PDF, make sure you click on "Image Fit" = "Fit".